What is Yoga Therapy?

Yoga therapy uses the tools of yoga to manage and alleviate SPECIFIC issues/concerns related to a person’s overall health and well-being. It is a personalized and potent practice that is more tailored to individual health issues, needs, goals, and desires.

— It combines both Eastern and Western practices to offer a holistic and self-empowered perspective to healing. —

So, what types of issues can it help with? My personal belief is that a person with any concern, disease, or diagnosis would benefit from yoga therapy. However, here are some of the main ones I’ve worked with to start giving you an idea:

  • Physical - Weakness, stiffness/limited mobility, chronic pain, tension, inflammation, digestive issues, high blood pressure, autoimmune diseases, circulatory issues, fibromyalgia, nerve damage, incontinence, carpal tunnel, respiratory issues

  • Mental/Emotional - Anxiety, depression, stress, PTSD, ADHD, insomnia, lack of motivation, feeling alone/isolated

  • Energetic - Low energy, lack of vitality/drive, unable to sit still

  • Spiritual - Feeling like something is ‘off’ or missing, lacking purpose, difficulty connecting with others, lacking joy/bliss in your life

Healing is truly an art.

Healing is truly an art and a unique process for every individual. That’s why I’m passionate about making yoga widely available for every BODY.


I work with people 1-1.

I work with all ages, ranges of experience, and abilities. Let’s find a way to craft a yoga practice that suits you best!

I plan events.

Events bring people together and create community! The cool thing about communities is… they’re one of the best ways to heal!